Rinse and Repeat launched as a podcast in September 2021 and as a radio program in August 2022. The mission of Rinse and Repeat is to teach Biblical truth in a personally relatable way. The foundation for Rinse and Repeat is drawn from two key passages of Scripture. The first is Titus 2:3-5, where older women are to teach younger women to love their families and their homes, to be self-controlled and pure so that God’s Word would be honored. The term for teaching in this passage is sōphronizō in Greek, which indicates the idea of discipling a person, helping them moderate their lives to God’s standards. Thus, Rinse and Repeat is committed to teaching the Word of God with the goal of discipling and mentoring.
The second foundational passage for Rinse and Repeat is Matthew 28:19-20, when Jesus commands His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that He commanded them. The term for teaching here is didaskō, which indicates imparting instruction and doctrine. Thus, Rinse and Repeat is committed to teaching the sound doctrine found in the Word of God rather than focusing primarily on personal dialog and popular discourse over feelings. While God created our emotions, He did not design them to be our compass. Instead, God’s Word guides our way (Psalm 119:105). Thus, the mission of Rinse and Repeat is to teach God’s Word in both senses – to disciple and to impart instruction so that listeners may grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus, know how to navigate through life on earth, and in turn, go and make disciples.